Your Lucky Calendar
How To Use Your Lucky Calendar
How To Use Your Lucky Calendar
Just watch this video:
P.S.: Would you like to launch a product, have an important sales conversation or sign a contract? Search for those keywords.
For example, if you’d like to launch, type ‘launch’ in the search function to get all the favorable days for a launch.
If you’d like to conduct a training, type ’training’ in the search function, and you will get all the favorable days for conducting a training.
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There are days when you might face more challenges. These are called ‘personal clash days.’ The energy of such a day is in conflict with your own birth energy. On a ‘clash day,’ you may experience it as a less favorable day, feeling a bit off, or encountering more delays, headwinds, or obstacles. It is advisable not to schedule significant activities on such a ‘clash day,’ such as an important meeting, launch, or sales conversation. A clash day is ideal, however, for personal transformation, personal coaching sessions, working on the back-end of your business, doing things on autopilot, and taking it easy.
Since Your Lucky Calendar is a general calendar, your personal clash days are not included. You will need to look them up yourself.
How? It’s easy:
For example, if you have a Rat in your birth chart, avoid scheduling important activities on a Horse day – even if it’s a Success day, Initiate day, or another positive day.
Tip: When you first start working with Your Lucky Calendar, you might not know your clash animals by heart. Take a screenshot of this information and keep it on your smartphone. Or place a note in your calendar for each clash day.
If you find this too complex, no worries, you can leave the personal clash days aside. If you ever have a challenging day, just check the table to see if it was a clash day for you ;-).
(P.S.: It’s possible that you don’t always feel the effects of these clash days. The impact depends on other elements in your chart and the elements of the month and year).
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I’m wishing you lots of Flow Days!
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