The power of your date of birth
30 degrees less
Yesterday (13 December 2012) I was still strolling about dressed in a top and enjoying temperatures above 30 degrees and today I am walking around with three warm pulls and Ugg-Boots! A matter of getting used again!
This morning I got back from Malaysia where I attended an intense but very exciting ‘modern’ BaZi course. This method of profileanalysis gives a better insight into who you are, what your natural gifts are, what your strengths and weaker points are and how to bend them into your advantage, so as to grow further and let positive changes enter your life. And not just my strenghts, but also my “points to work on” from were I can grow further (and yes, sometimes this can be quite confronting and painful – until being at the brink of tears!).
Bazi, the modern version
After several years of studying this enthralling knowledge, this training was exactly what I had been looking for: the modern version of a 2000 year old knowledge, very useful for coaching and career planning regarding companies and employees. A perfect addition to Feng Shui!
Tool for strategy and planning
This Eastern way of character analysis is ideal when recruiting and coaching employees.
It shows in which fase of your life you are in: everyone evolves, some years you are successful, some years you are less successful. BaZi allows you to see in which fase you are and what the latter’s challenges and potentials are. It is the ideal tool for strategy and planning on a long term.
It shows you why – in spite of your hard work – you are not achieving the hoped-for success (your blind spot). And it offers solutions that can help your success and career growth.
Is Feng Shui not enough?
You may ask yourself now: is Feng Shui not enough? Well, when you are already successful in a job that was cut out for you and you do it with passion, then Feng Shui is ideal to stimulate your growth and progress and the achievement of your goals.
But what if you have lost that passion and drive? Or if you feel that your current job is not the job of your life but you wouldn’t know what else to do? Or your hard work is not delivering the hoped-for results? Feng Shui can stimulate your success, but you will not feel happier at your job. Do you?
BaZi, the missing link
BaZi allows you to discover your natural gifts, your strong points, your potential (which you hadn’t been aware of until now) and what job, function or position would be the most suitable one. Once you know WHO you are and WHAT you can do, you can undertake specific ACTIONS that will lead you to success and happiness! Besides the decent designing of the supporting surrounding, BaZi is the perfect addition to, and the missing link of, Feng Shui!
What gives you the most satisfaction?
And as you already know, self-knowledge is the start of any change and improvement in your life.
Are you curious about what gives you the most satisfaction, what your natural talents are and what you can work on to grow as an entrepreneur? Plan your Flowtastic BaZi-Consult now.
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